Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am sorry I have been like totally out of it for these past few months!! Finally got a chill moment!!

I've been really busy with LTC reading and what not but its over now! Did pretty well!
Hehe convention was AWESOME! Got to be with some really cool friends!  Hopefully my dad will continue to let me attend that church!  We'll see.. Ok well I think dinner is ready so I will ttygl8r!!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Weekend

Ace Wonder!
Hey guys y'all should totaly watch that trailer!! 

Ok this past weekend I went down the Enchanted Rock (if you haven't heard of it look it up) With my youth group.  That rock was HUGE! It took alot to get up. I almost didn't!  That was such a great bonding experience with my youth group with my sister and with a new TOTALY awesome freind Taylor.  After we climbed the Rock we wet back to our camp site and went swimming in Inks Lake.  Which was awesome cause they had this rock at the edge of the water maybe 25 feet up and a couple of the high schoolers went over and jumped off! haha that was a great moment! So All in all I had a great weekend and a great time with my youth group!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Hello World,

Hey guys just an update!  Whats new with me... Well some things unbloggable :P haha but really.. um.. Been having some fun DEFINITELY enjoying this weather, been outside alot. Reading. Oh! there is this book  I am reading: The Hangman's Curse!! It is Sooo awesome.  I am only on like chapter five but its a really good book I recommend it!  Anyway yes its a good book!   So I haven't made any videos lately been busy/lazy keep finding other things to do and getting sick on and off.   I am being rude... How have y'all been my few but proud followers?


Friday, March 11, 2011

Hey Guys,

Wuz up!?! I have been so blessed lately.  I just wanted to say: I love my family and I love my friends!!! Hopefully I will have a couple new videos out lately. My life has been boringly crazy. Have been practicing LTC stuff and been sick too.  So New video out of a bunch of crazy random stuff you most likely don't care about!!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hello I'm Somebody,

Just got back from a very God filled weekend! IGNITE weekend in Mexia! I can't wait to go back!!  I learned so many things about my self and God and life and just alot.  I fill so joyful.  I love MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So the big thing was "Somebody" Saying you are somebody.  And not letting your place effect your somebody but letting your somebody effect your place.. and I noticed I use to to the first one, I was rarely my Godly Christian self nor my crazy blunt loud self and I think I learned to be those things where ever I go!  So I will remember this weekend forever!  Oh My Gosh I love the LORD!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ok So I got a song.  Its called Mighty Lord by Kimmie Carwile!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011



Ok I just singed up for a talent show, and then realized I am losing my voice.  But any way I wanted some feed back on what song you fellow followers think I should sing.  I am an alto and I sing pretty deep so keep that in mind as you guess.  And this is a church show so please nothing like Avril Lavigne's Best D@mn thing please :P But y'all opinion is important to me.!!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life has been rather boring lately.   Um.. hmm.. Well my mother and I are gonna be taking some karate classes to lose some weight!  I am really looking forward to being thin again.  My friends and family tell me I'm not fat but I am not skinny or close to skinny :P So my goal is to lose 40 pounds by June or July.  Not sure the date but this summer I will have being have a sweet sixteen birthday party and would like to look good in a swim suit.  So I am gonna try and lose this weight!!  I also have been sticking to my resolution to take better care of my skin!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Speak Now

Ok so most  of you have heard Taylor Swift's new album: Speak Now!  I love her album she is AWESOME.  And one of my favorite songs is Never Grow Up. It is so pretty!   I don't really know why I am making this post mostly cause I am bored.  But the song is AMAZING!!!  I am gonna to be posting a video on my other blog, www.KimmieCarwile.blogspot.com (new blog) so tune in if you'd like to hear it!  I am also on twitter KimmiCar, and KimmieCarwile.  And skype, kimmiecarwile.  And YouTube.com Kimmieheartscookie! So look me up!! Thanks all of you!!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So I have been pretty busy lately.  I have a couple of blogs I gotta keep up date. (2mydearfuturehusband.blogspot.com somethingcutenmodest.blogspot.com and this one) and alot of house work. I hope everyone ifs having a good 2011. I just wanted to let you know some of my New Years resolutions:   Lose weight (count calories, work out) Take care of my skin (moisturize, wash my face every night) play guitar more (learn new chords, learn new songs) and be a nicer sister and daughterIf y'all have any new years resolution let me know in the comments or an e-mail!
